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Whether you’re stranded at the side of the road late at night or have oversized equipment that needs a tow, we are here to answer the call for any towing need 24/7. Our family-owned and operated tow company offers towing throughout Southern Colorado. When you’re stuck, don’t fret. Just give us a call now. We also provide indoor storage options available upon request.

Call Us

Emergency Towing

Call us right away for a fast response no matter where you are:

Engine breakdowns

Heavy Equipment Towing

We tow more than just cars and trucks. Call us for heavy equipment hauling, including:

* Construction equipment
* Farm equipment
* Tractors

Big Wrecker Towing

We have the equipment and power to handle the biggest tow jobs:

* 18-Wheeler towing
* Tractor-trailers
* Dump trucks
* Motorhomes

Heavy Duty Towing

Our crew is specially trained to handle heavy-duty towing for large loads. If you have equipment, vehicles, or other heavy loads of more than 26,000 pounds, we have the trucks to transport your load safely and reliably to your specified destination.

Roadside Assistance

Not all vehicle issues require a tow. If you have a problem with your car, truck, SUV, or motorcycle, we offer reliable roadside assistance to help get you back on your way. Dead battery or have you run out of gas? Give us a call, and we'll help get you moving again.


When you’re locked out of your vehicle, call us no matter where you are. We’ll be there quickly to help you regain access to your car or truck using special tools that won’t cause any damage to your vehicle. We offer fast and easy lockout service.

Flatbed Towing

Rely on us for safe and secure flatbed truck towing. This service is better for vehicles and essential for those that need to be hauled long distances. Wheel-lift tows are fine for short distances, but cars will experience less stress and wear and tear on the wheels on a flatbed.

Winch-Out Towing

Vehicles of any kind, such as standard cars, off-road 4x4s, dump trucks, or farm tractors, can get stuck in precarious conditions. We offer winch-out towing service for safe rescue from ditches, floods, and deep mud and can even assist with overturned vehicles.

Electric Car Towing

Even electric cars are susceptible to the everyday problems of fuel-reliant vehicles. Contact us for safe and reliable tow service if you're stuck with an electric vehicle, whether it's no power, a dead battery, or a mechanical breakdown.

The Right Equipment for Reliable Towing Services

If you require towing services, especially for heavy-duty or oversized equipment, you need to be sure the company you call can handle the job. At Discount Towing, we have a full fleet of tow trucks to handle everything from small compact cars to an 18-wheeler tractor-trailer. The safety of our crew and your vehicle and equipment is a priority in every job we do.

Call for Quick & Friendly Towing

We’re committed to helping you in your biggest jams. There’s no job we can’t handle. Call today.