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Roadside Assistance in Southern Colorado

Countless things can cause your vehicle to break down at any moment. From running out of gas to dead batteries, we can help with most breakdowns. Discount Towing provides roadside assistance all across Southern Colorado. If you’re broken down on the side of the road, you want to know that someone friendly, knowledgeable, and experienced is on the way to help you. All of our roadside assistance experts are highly trained and prepared to get you back on the road in no time. If you need roadside assistance right now, call us, and we’ll send someone straight to you.

girl sitting besides red hazard symbol

24/7 Roadside Assistance

Emergencies and breakdowns can occur anywhere and anytime. That’s why we offer 24/7 roadside assistance. You can rest at ease knowing that you have a roadside assistance team just one call away, day or night. Our team is on standby for your call at all times. So, when you call, we can dispatch someone to help you right away. You’ll never be stranded again when you have Discount Towing on your side!

Types of Roadside Assistance

Roadside assistance covers everything from local towing to lock out services. We are always here to help get your car working again. However, there are some things that our roadside assistance does not cover. For instance, we cannot repair tires, perform major mechanical work, or do other jobs that are best left to an automotive repair shop. Some of the services we regularly perform are:

Lock Out Services

If you lock your keys in your car, we can help you open the car and retrieve your keys. We can do this without any harm to your vehicle and get you back on the road.

Gas Delivery

When you run out of gas in the middle of nowhere, our roadside assistance team will deliver a fill-up directly to you.

Jump Starts

When your battery dies, and no one is around to help jump start your car, we’re just a call away. We can jump-start your vehicle and ensure your vehicle can get you to your next destination.

General Emergencies

We help with almost any minor causes of a breakdown. We can change a spare for you and make minor repairs that are causing your vehicle not to work.

man calling for car assistance

Discount Towing’s Towing Services

Unlike many roadside assistance companies, we also offer towing for all vehicles. If you cannot drive your vehicle home, we can tow it to the automotive repair shop of your choice. We have several different tow trucks, including big wreckers, flatbed tow trucks, and 4X4 wreckers. We also have winch-out services available if your vehicle is stuck in a ditch or any other difficult-to-access location. So, no matter what type of vehicle you have and where you are stuck, we can help you get to safety.

Call Now for Roadside Assistance!

The next time your vehicle breaks down, you can rest assured that help is just a call away. We have agents sitting by 24/7 to take your call. They will take your information, explain how we can help, and immediately dispatch someone to your location. You’ll never get stranded on the side of the road again with the help of an experienced roadside assistance team like ours. To get someone headed your way right away, just give us a call.

Secure Storage Available

Maybe you need to tow a hefty vehicle but don’t know where it’s going yet. We also offer storage for cars that need it. We can hold your vehicle at our secure site until you are ready for us to tow it to the next location. We even have indoor storage available upon request.

24/7 Emergency Towing!