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Big Wrecker Towing Services in Southern Colorado

Recovering and towing especially large vehicles requires a tow truck that can handle the extra size and weight. Discount Towing has big wrecker towing services in Southern Colorado that can handle nearly any large vehicle. A wrecker can help recover a vehicle that has been overturned, stuck in the mud, or driven into a lake. Then, it can tow that vehicle to any location you desire. Unlike other tow trucks, our big wreckers can handle the recovery and transportation of some of the largest vehicles on the road. So, when you need to tow or recover a massive car, call us and ask for one of our big wreckers!

winch towing car

When Do I Need Big Wrecker Towing Services?

Big wreckers are most often used for vehicles like semi-trucks, dump trucks, and other heavy-duty utility vehicles. Wreckers are one of the most versatile tow trucks on the road. They can transport the heaviest vehicles and also perform recovery of especially large vehicles that have fallen into ravines or been overturned. Ultimately, our team will help you determine if you need a big wrecker for the job, but a few situations are classic examples of times when you need a big wrecker. If a tractor-trailer overturns, you almost certainly need a big wrecker. If a dump truck breaks down, you probably need one too. Situations like these that require intense winching or extra-large vehicle towing are best left to a big wrecker.

towing a vehicle from big wrecker

Setting Up Big Wrecker Towing Services

During your first call, we will assess your situation and help you understand what type of tow truck is best for you. We know that when you need a big wrecker, you are likely stuck in a stressful situation. So, we make it as uncomplicated as possible. Once we know the size of the vehicle and its condition, we can dispatch a tow truck immediately. Our 24/7 towing services allow us to get to you faster than other towing companies, and our expert operators can get your vehicle wherever it needs to go, whether that’s the next work site or a repair shop.

a car towing on big wrecker

Secure Storage Available

Maybe you need to tow a hefty vehicle but don’t know where it’s going yet. We also offer storage for cars that need it. We can hold your vehicle at our secure site until you are ready for us to tow it to the next location. We even have indoor storage available upon request.

Call Now for Big Wrecker Towing!

If you need a sizable vehicle towed or recovered, we have you covered. Our team is standing by to take your call and dispatch a big wrecker right away. When you work with our towing company, you don’t have to worry about anything. Our team will take your information and get your vehicle where it needs to go. So, don’t wait any longer than necessary. Call us today to arrange your big wrecker towing service.

24/7 Emergency Towing!